What is the Owner’s Responsibility for Maintenance?

What’s going on, folks? It’s your man Mike DOC Rannigan, and we’re here again today to discuss what are the responsibilities of a homeowner.

When you take a step back and you look at it, I’m a homeowner, you’re a homeowner, like what is really our responsibility when it comes to an insurance claim? What have we done while living in our home, that prevented further damage, mitigated damage, and what I’m talking about was when you pull into your driveway, and you look up on top of your roof, and you look at your chimney, and you notice there’s rotten wood going on, or you pull into your driveway and a garage door opens, and you look up to the top of the garage door, and you see some of that wood starting to lose paint and flake and it’s getting cracks in it. That is your responsibility, you have now laid eyes on the problem, you have now seen that it was a problem, but yet, we chose not to do anything about it. The next thing you know, a storm rolls through, you file an insurance claim and an adjuster comes out and you point out, oh, look at my fireplace, it’s all rotten wood. The insurance agent is going to be like “look, that’s long-term damage. That’s something that you should have been dealing with prior to this storm”. So a lot of us get confused on what the insurance company actually covers, versus what is actually the homeowner’s responsibility.

So I just want to tap into that and let you guys know that if you’re a homeowner, it is your due diligence to ensure that the home that you live in is maintained and that you are not neglectful. So if you’ve noticed something that is off-putting, if you notice something is rotting, deteriorating, branches are scraping the top of your roof, leaves are filling up your gutters, it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure that you take care of that problem. Or, you call Docs Roofing so that we can get you squared away. And if you need that phone number, it’s 214-284-0695.