How to choose the right contractor?

How to choose the right contractor?

What’s going on guys? It’s your man Mike “Doc” Rannigan and we’re here with another episode of frequently asked questions.

So another great question people love to ask is How do I choose the right contractor? Well, if you’re asking for my opinion, you just go ahead and choose Doc’s. You don’t have to worry about that. But the reality is,  homeowners need to do their due diligence. They need to check out the Better Business Bureau websites, you need to check out Google reviews, you need to ask the contractor for references at least five references of homes that they’ve recently done that may be in or around your neighborhood, drive-by those houses, look at those roofs.

So understanding the right contractor; they are going to be somebody who has solidified themselves within their community. They are constantly given back to their community, and they have longevity in the town that they live in.

So a lot of those things are very, very important when choosing a contractor. I’ll just highlight them one more time, Better Business Bureau, Google reviews, references and go and check work that they’ve completed in your home or your community. This has been another episode of frequently asked questions, give us a call at 214-284-0695. If you have any further questions